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The Bible Prepared us for Islam


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Information about the links or groups of links shown below.
These are links to sites that I frequent. If you want me to add your site, just tell me.

Continue This Site Here.
This Site Continues Here. As I have stated on the Main Page, I have ran out of space on this site. My 'other' site, found here, is the continuation of this one. You will find my answers to a Christian site called "Answering Islam". They have attacked the Qur'an, and I aim to defend it (Insha-Allah).
The site is at:
It was last updated on--20 Feb 01.

Another site I have put together This site was done on AngelFire, another free site. It consists of my viewpoint on the Nation of Islam, based on a recent experience.
The address is:
Updated on--26 Feb 01

A Message to the Hindu. Wow! Would you look at this, yet another site that I have laboured over. This will provide the reader with an informative argument for the Hindu useing their own text's.
The address is:
Created--8 Mar 01

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As-Salaamu Aleicom